Ultrasound Scanning
Musculoskeletal (sports injuries)Utrasound is a useful way of examining the musculoskeletal system of the body to detect problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, jonts and soft tissue.
Ultrasound images are captured in real time so they can often show movement, function anatomy as well as enable a variety of conditions to be diagnosed.
Ultrasound can also assess damage after an injury or illness and give information on recovery.The Service
Ultrasound scanning at COPD AWARE will offer you a fast route to fast effective care at a time to suit you.
Scanning at COPD AWARE is performed by specialists in the field who work hand in hand with the NHS through out the UK. The equipment used is at the very forefront of technology giving you the comfort of knowing that you are in the best possible hands.

Common uses of the procedure
Ultrasound can be useful in diagnosing tendon tears, such as tears of the rotator cuff in the shoulder or achilles tendon in the ankle. Abnormalities of the muscles can aslo be seen, such as tears and soft tissue masses. Bleeding or other fluid collections within the muscles, bursae and joints can also be detected.

The benefits
Ultrasound scanning is usually painless and non invasive
Ultrasound provides real-time imaging making it a good tool for guiding minimally invasive procedures, such as cortisone injections needle biopsies and aspiration of fluid in joints or elsewhere.
Ultrasound is easy to use and affordable
Ultrasound imaging uses no ionising radiation
Unlike the strong magnetic field of magnetic resonance imaging MRI, ultrasound does not affect cardiac pacemakers, ferromagnetic implants or fragments within the body – it is an excellent alternative to MRI for claustrophobic patients.


An ultrasound examination is a painless medical examination which uses soundwaves to “see” inside the body. No radiation is used in ultrasound. A transducer (which is like a small microphone) is placed over the area of the body being examined. Soundwaves pass through the skin from the transducer and echoes are reflected back to it. Those echoes are converted into electrical signals which can then be viewed as images on a television screen.